Online Wyoming Drivers Ed
Welcome! You're just a few stoplights from becoming a Wyoming teen driver. If you've had your fresh fifteen, you can enroll in the online drivers ed course. Our fun lessons teach students to navigate the roads safely and in accordance with the laws and regulations of Wyoming. Our interactive classes, video examples and games help you understand the areas of focus taught in a state-approved driver education or on-the-road driver training course. Before you tackle the written permit exam, pump your tires with our DMV Practice Tests. If you're a high school student, you can earn up to 2.5 credit hours for completing our course!
- Costs You Nothing Until the Final Exam
- Lowest Price Guarantee
- Pay Only if You’re Satisfied
- 100% Your Time, Your Place
- Listen to Lessons On-the-Go
- Phone & Email Assistance Available Anytime
America's Exclusive Online Driver Education Provider
"We are grateful to for providing D.A.R.E with an online driver education program that offers the qualities parents, schools and teens look for in a course.
Their generous contributions and affordable prices help make quality driver education available for all teens while supporting D.A.R.E.'s efforts."-Francisco Pegueros President & CEO
D.A.R.E. America
Rated 5 Stars!

"This was a great driver ed experience and way more helpful than other online courses! I had a lot of fun taking this online Wyoming drivers ed course, and I learned everything there is to know about driving and driver safety. This was a great driver ed course that I recommend to every teen driver trying to get their learner's permit."
when you order our instructional DVD!
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